Mario Harik: Software Engineers are the Future of Logistics
In his contribution to CIO Review, Chief Information Officer Mario Harik discusses software engineering and the future of the logistics industry:
"The path to [a great] consumer experience is never static. It’s ripe for innovation and change is happening fast. If you’re a retailer, you should care about that. If you’re a consumer, you should also care. And if you’re a software engineer (or aspiring to be one) you should really care! The differentiator for XPO is that our in-house team has the agility, flexibility and drive to add new capabilities quickly to meet changing demands. We’re utilizing a non-cloud platform that lets us engineer dramatic solutions to e-commerce challenges in near real-time. Our global technology team includes over 1,600 individuals who share information constantly each day. No steps are missed and no time is lost."
Read the full article here.